Monsieur Longuelade is going off to Ystad in Sweden shortly to test the quality of his maraging French steel against those of assorted grizzled Norsemen, Poles, Germans, Finns and Latvians. He shall return - with grazes on his arms, bruises on his chest and a stomach full of herring and aquavit if previous experience is anything to go by - on Tuesday. Salut, copains!
Beats a stomach full of steel! Enjoy!
Well, good luck there in the Österporthallen.
ReplyDeleteAnd mysterious "Middle Me" has made place for the more serious "Upper Me".
I anticipate a view of your knees, calves and feet with mounting eagerness.
ReplyDeletesigh, ... The hand fetish photographs in Battlegames Magazine will have to do for now.
Have I complemented you on the quality of your pictures: nice clean and good colours.